Temperature gradients in subwavelength nanocones

Following up on our previous work on the thermoplasmonics of nanocones, we now show how it is possible to control temperature gradients by tuning light incident angle.

See our latest work published in Optics Letters in collaboration with the Italian Institute of Technology.

Tuning temperature gradients in subwavelength plasmonic nanocones with tilted illumination

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1364/OL.404950



Flow-Driven Resonant Energy Systems

Did you know heat could oscillate?

In this recently published article in Physical Review Applied, I show how heat sources and fluids can be combined in a flow-driven resonant thermal system.

Such systems behave as oscillators and can be used to store thermal energy, control temperature patterns in microfluidic devices and even enhance water desalination!

LINK: Flow-Driven Energy Resonant Systems, Physical Review Applied, 14, 034045, 2020

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